Editing United Nations

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 (wof:name) An English UTF-7 transliterated representation of the name. (Some features have UTF-8 names.)
 (wof:placetype) What WOF calls a record's administrative division type.
 (wof:placetype_alt) A single placetype denoting alternate representations of a place (exclusive of the placetype value).
 (wof:shortcode) A two or three character alphabetic code, preferring three characters for country, two characters for region, and either two or three characters for county.
 (mz:is_current) Defaults to -1 when status is not known, set to 1 when we know a place is active, and 0 if it's closed.
 (mz:is_funky) Used when Mapzen suspects the record is bad or inappropriate but additional confirmation is needed before the feature is deprecated. Records with a 1 value are recommended to be hidden from map display and search unless explicitly asked for by name.
 (mz:hierarchy_label) Used when generating place labels in geocoding software, like Pelias; this property defaults to True unless it is set to 0 manually. When Pelias decorates an address string, the hierarchy_label property is used to determine what is included in that address string.
 (edtf:cessation) Indicates when a place stopped being a going concern. The semantics for something ceasing may vary from placetype to placetype. For example, a venue may cease operations or a country may split in to multiple countries. Supports EDTF date notation like: 2000, 2000-01, 2000-01-01 and approximate dates like ~2000. Defaults to uuuu when unknown.
 (edtf:deprecated) Indicates the date when a place was determined to be invalid (was never a going concern). Supports EDTF date notation like: 2000, 2000-01, 2000-01-01 and approximate dates like ~2000. Defaults to uuuu when unknown.
 (edtf:inception) Indicates the date when a place was first created or established. Supports EDTF date notation like: 2000, 2000-01, 2000-01-01 and approximate dates like ~2000. Defaults to uuuu when unknown.
 (edtf:superseded) Indicates the date when a record was superseded by another record. Supports EDTF date notation like: 2000, 2000-01, 2000-01-01 and approximate dates like ~2000. Defaults to uuuu when unknown.
 (wof:population) An integer value to represent the most current, known population of a place.
 (mz:min_zoom) Float values (though in practice mosts are integer values) that match to web map zoom schema. Common range is 0.0 to 18.0, though they can be greater.
 (mz:max_zoom) Float values (though in practice mosts are integer values) that match to web map zoom schema. Common range is 0.0 to 18.0, though they can be greater.
 (lbl:min_zoom) When the feature's label should first appear. Float values (though in practice mosts are integer values) that match to web map zoom schema. Common range is 0.0 to 18.0, though they can be greater.
 (lbl:max_zoom) When the feature's label should be removed (or switched to a different representation like exterior ring labels). Float values (though in practice mosts are integer values) that match to web map zoom schema. Common range is 0.0 to 18.0, though they can be greater.
 (wof:lang_x_spoken) One or more ISO-639-3 language identifiers. These represent the languages, inclusive of official languages, spoken in the location of the corresponding WOF record.
 (wof:lang_x_official) One or more ISO-639-3 language identifiers. These represent the officially recognized languages of the location of the corresponding WOF record.
 (wof:country) A two-letter country code from ISO 3166.
 (iso:country) The two-letter country code from ISO 3166-1.

Localized Names

This place has localized names in 287 languages. English is shown by default. Add more to the filter box to show more languages.

Localized Labels

This place has localized labels in 1 language. English is shown by default. Add more to the filter box to show more languages.


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